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Grace Tessein has a BFA from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University and a MFA from Louisiana State University. Currently, she is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Art at Roanoke College in Salem, VA and recently was the Salad Days Artist in Residence at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts in Newcastle, ME. Previously she was an Assistant Professor and Artist-in-Residence at Elon University and has taught for Georgia Highlands College in the northwest metro-Atlanta area. She was a recipient of the 2017 Warren MacKenzie Advancement Award from Northern Clay Center, the 2017 Joe Bova Ceramic Art Award and Michael Daugherty Memorial Fund at LSU, and a Kiln God Award at Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts in 2014. Grace currently resides with her partner, Dennis Ritter, their two dogs Sugar Jaws and Etta June, and a cat named Sunny.





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